




Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bible in 90 Days Day 86

Bible in 90 Days Day 86 Using the SOAP Method


I Thessalonians 1 to Philemon 1


1 The Word of God came to us in words, in power

2 We need to seek ways to please God, not ways to please man

3 You can succeed if you stand strong in the Lord

4 Jesus has told us how we should conduct ourselves

5 Jesus will return as a surprise to us, like thief in the night

II Thessalonians

1 Those who do not obey the Lord will be punished severely with flaming fire

2 Be careful in what you follow because Satan will send things out for you to follow that are not of God

3 The Lord will strengthen you and keep you from evil

I Timothy

1 The law is not for followers of God who live under grace, but for the sinful and lawless

2 We should pray for our leaders and those in authority so that we may lead peaceful lives

3 Leaders of the church should be leading proper lives and managing their families well, because if they cannot manage their homes, they cannot manage the church

4 Every creature of God is good and can be eaten because they were created to give thanksgiving

5 A person that does not provide for his own family is worse than an infidel

6 It is free to come to Christ but it costs to stay in the faith

II Timothy

1 God has called us to work for him for a purpose

2 We should study the word of God so we know what he wants of us and should not be ashamed of our working to understand. Instructions on prayer, (I need to review more with other scriptural references, such as Proverbs 31: 10 - 31)

3 All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is good for correction, teaching and so that man may be perfect

4 The word of God should be preached while it can for in the future people will not listen to the word of God, but turn to their own ways and understanding


1 Church leaders should be godly men and not ill tempered and should follow the words of God

2 We should liver soberly and righteously looking for the hope of Christ’s return

3 We are saved by mercy and not by our own works


1 Paul is sending Timothy and asks those who receive him to treat Timothy as they would Paul



This section of scriptures reminds me again that the Bible is a huge and powerful book that must be studied in context of the rest of the book. There are many passages that seem to say one thing, but if we read the entire bible or sometimes even the rest of the chapter we see that what we thought we understood in one verse is changed or amended or more fully explained in a verse later in the very same chapter.


Heavenly Father, thank you for giving me your word! Thank you for allowing me to study so that I can understand what you want from me and how I can better live out my purpose. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Bible in 90 Days Day 85

Bible in 90 Days Day 85 Using the SOAP Method


Galatians 3:26 - 29 to Colossians 4


3 All people are one and equal in Jesus Christ

4 In Christ we are children of promise with great things before us

5 If you walk in the spirit of God, you are not judged under the aw

6 You reap what you sow


1 Through Christ we have redemption through his blood and forgiveness of our sins through His grace

2 We are saved by God’s grace, it is not something we do ourselves, but a gift from God

3 We can be bold and confident through our faith in God

4 We should walk in a way that is worthy of the vocation for which God has called us

5 We should submit to each other in the fear of God

6 Be strong in the Lord and put on the whole armor of God


1 Paul says his bonds should make others stronger in the faith

2 Paul is sending encouragement and hope to the church at Philipi

3 Paul says he presses on toward the mark of the high calling in Jesus Christ

4 Truth, honesty, justice, loveliness, goodness and virtue are things to be thought on if praise is deserved


1 It all ends and begins with God

2 We should walk in Jesus Christ, rooted and established in the faith

3 Paul describes the behavior we should have, cleanliness, holiness and Christlike

4 Our words should be well thought out and with grace


This section of scriptures was interesting because it contained a lot of suggestions on how everyday life should be lived. It talked about how Christians should walk, talk, live a faithful life, relate with family members and the world. All the direction we need is there within God’s words if we just read and obey.


Heavenly Father, thank you for your many kindnesses and mercies. I thank you for teaching me how to behave. Please continue to teach me how to be what you want me to be and help me to be the kind of woman you want me to be. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bible in 90 Days Day 84

Bible in 90 Days Day 84 Using the SOAP Method


I Corinthians 15 to Galatians 3: 1 - 25



15 Jesus was crucified and raised from the dead, the Christian fatith is based upon this principle

16 Paul states that he will do what he is called to do

1 God comforts us so that we can be a comfort to others who are in the midst of troubled times

2 God gives us triumph in all things and makes it possible for us to know him anywhere

3 Things that are hidden from our understanding now, will be clearly understood when we are before God

4 No matter how bad things get, we are not defeated or destroyed because we have Christ

5 All will be judged by God based upon what we have done while we are alive

6 Even to the infidel, God has said that they will serve him and he will be their God

7 Paul claimed to be happy and bold in his speech because he represented Christ

8 God blesses those with open minds who accept based on what they have rather than what they do not have

9 God loves a cheerful giver so we should give generously from our hearts, not from guilt

10 We walk in the flesh, but not after the flesh, we should walk after God and his teachings

11 Paul is afraid that the follows of Christ will grow weak and lose their faith, he encourages them to stand strong

12 Paul says he takes strength in knowing that God’s grace is sufficient and that his weakness is made strong through his belief in Christ

13 Paul calls upon the church members to examine themselves to be sure they are acting in accordance with Christ’s principles

1 Paul says that if anyone from anywhere preaches another gospel, they are not to be trusted because they are perverting the gospel of Christ

2 Man is not justified by his works, but by faith in God

3 The blessings of Abraham are extended to the Gentiles through Jesus Christ


This section of scriptures reminds me that Christ and our faith in Him is real and relevant today. Our faith in God is a real thing, something that lives and breathes just as it did for the early Christians.


Heavenly Father, thank you for your many blessings. Please continue to bless and keep me so that I can do what you would have me to do. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Bible in 90 Days Day 83

Bible in 90 Days Day 83 Using the SOAP Method


Romans 15 to I Corinthians 14


15 We are told to receive one another in the body of Christ with one mind and one mouth glorifying God as Christ greeted the church

16 Paul tells the Christians to make note of any divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine of Christ and to avoid them

1 Paul tells us again that first shall be last and last shall be first

2 Paul talks about the prophesy stating that man has no idea what wonderful things God has in store for those who love Him

3 Don’t be deceived by those pretending to be wise, they are actually fools if their wisdom does not come from God

4 Paul tells us that sometimes people treat us improperly because we are Christians, but God will avenge us and treat us properly

5 Paul tells us to put away wicked persons from yourself

6 When we have problems with believers, we should go to them and try to resolve the matter peacefully

7 Those who are married cannot devote all their attention to God, because they must spend time trying to please their spouses

8 Paul says the we should be careful that we do not lead others astray with freedom we take

9 You must understand those you are trying to save if you are going to save them

10 We are not tempted above what we are able to withstand

11 A woman should be covered when she prays and long hair is her covering, her hair is given to her for a covering

12 Everyone in the body of Christ has a job to do and each job is important and necessary for the body to function

13 The love chapter

14 One should not speak in tongues when prophesying if the audience does not understand because that edifies only the speaker. In order to edify the audience, one must speak in a language the audience understands.


This section of scriptures is personally interesting because I have recently started attending an apostolic church that requires women to wear head coverings. This is interesting because it is an example of the church following a tradition rather than the whole scripture. Because in I Chorinthians 11:`5 it states, " if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given to her for a covering. As I have read the Bible over th past 90 days, I have seen several examples of things that are habits in the church which are the result of habit due to misinterpretation of incomplete interpretation that are not Biblical principals.


Heavenly Father, thank you for your many blessings. Thank you for being my Lord and savior. Please continue to lead me and guide me so that I can be what you have in mind for me. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Bible in 90 days Day 81

Bible in 90 Days Day 81 Using the SOAP Method


Acts 17 to Acts 28: 1 - 16


17 When we were ignorant of our sin, God ignored it, but now that we know, God calls us to repent

18 God tells Paul not to be afraid, and not to hold his peace

19 If people cast out demons, they must do it in the name of Christ, not in their own names

20 God calls church leaders to care for their churches because God has purchased the church with His blood

21 Paul was held captive and bound over for punishment

22 Paul escaped punishment by scourging only to be held over for another punishment

23 Paul continues to be persecuted because he stands for God

24 Paul’s struggles and persecution continues

25 Paul’s persecution is described as unjust

26 Paul testifies about his persecution

27 Paul’s testimony continues

28 Paul continues and testifies that he has continually been tried, found innocent and held over again for trial


This section of scriptures is hopeful to me because it gives examples of a person being persecuted unjustly, but continuing to stand strong and continue on in the fight. It is helpful because today many times we are falsely accused, persecuted and tried. We must continue on and fight forward. We need to realize that the Bible contains role models for us in our current struggles.


Heavenly Father, thank you for your many blessings and for keeping me safe. Please continue to give me strength and encouragement so that I can continue on in the fight for right.